郝万明 (Hao Wanming)
Associate Professor, School of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou Unversity
IEEE Member
iewmhao@zzu.edu.cn wmhao@hotmail.com
Latest news!
Dec. 26, 2021, congratulations!
Our paper titled “Joint Offloading and Resource Allocation for Multi-User Multi-Edge Collaborative Computing System” has been accepted by IEEE TVT .
May 1, 2021, congratulations!
Sensors on special issue “Advanced Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communication and Application in Vehicle- Environment Cooperative Control”. Deadline: Oct. 2022.
March 1, 2021, congratulations!
Our paper titled “Robust Design for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted MIMO-OFDMA Terahertz IoT Networks” has been accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Brief Biography
Wanming Hao received the M.S. degree from Zhengzhou University, China, October 2015, and received the Ph. D. degree from Kyushu University, Japan, March 2018. He is a research fellow from April2018 to December 2018 at the 5G Innovation Center, Institute of Communication Systems, University of Surrey, U.K. From January 2019 to January 2021, he is a postdoctor in Zhengzhou University, China. Since February 2021, he has been an Assocaite Professor in Zhengzhou University, China.
Research Interests
He recent research interestis include millimeter wave, terahertz, edge caching, mobile edge computing, cloud radio access networks, NOMA, SWIPT, IRS, Resource allocation, Physical layer security, Non-convex and robust optimization, maching learning. He has published over 50 Journal and conference papers on these topics, including IEEE TWC, IEEE TCOM, IEEE TVT, IEEE Network, IEEE IoT, IEEE ICC, etc.
We have full financial fund, and are always looking for highly motivated Master and PhD students to join our group. If you are interests in the above research field and would like to join us, please send your CV to email iewmhao@zzu.edu.cn.